Site Access

Your organzattiion supports a variety of functions and has a lot of moving parts. We believe it's important to support this dynamic organism by making it possible for many people to contribute while also protecting what's important to your organization.

It's also important to make it easy for your community to quickly & easily access the information they are looking for, while providing more secure access to sensitive information. Site visitors can view the information you deem public without having to login.

With your CH2V website, you have several ways to allow contribution by many while limiting access to only those members for whom it's relevant or appropriate.

There are 3 ways these elements are accomplished:

  • Site - Level Security
  • Members Only Areas
  • Classroom/Group Only Sections

Site - Level Security

They say it takes a village and anyone involved in a grassroots organization can attest to that! At the same time, it's important to maintain apporpriate levels of access to your site based on a member's role and level of responsiblitly.

With your CH2V website you have 6 pre-defined access levels:

  • Webmaster: Has full access to all elements of your site including assigning access levels, editing site structure, and creating free-form content
  • Admin: Has access to all functions of the site except editing site structure and free-form content.
  • Approver: Can post Contributed Content such as News, Emails, etc as well as approve any content posted by other Approvers or Posters.
  • Poster: Can post Contributed Content such as News, Emails, etc. Their posts won't go live until approved.
  • Treasurer: Has access to eCommerce functions such as Invoices and Payments as well as the Sponsor Module.
  • Member: Can view all information on your site including any areas that are designated as "Members Only" content.

These levels can be customized as best fits your organization. You can also create your own custom security levels!

Members Only Areas


Think of your CH2V site as your virtual clubhouse. You want visitors to feel welcome and encourage their participation by making it easy for them to explore your clubhouse.

When you add sections to your website, you can determine whether that information is public or for members only. These sections will only be visible when a site member logs in.

Group Zones


Create sections on your site that are accessible by specific Groups that you create and provide group members acces to those zones. This is great for teachers, clubs, or whatever suits your organization.



The best way to experience the magic of is to create a site for your volunteer organization. It just takes just a few minutes! Like so many others, you're going to be amazed at the power included in these sites.